Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge
Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge
Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge
Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge
Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge

Ar-Risaalah Al-Mufeedah : A Book of General Islamic Knowledge

R 199


“Risalah al Mufeedah or commonly referred to as Al Mufeedah. Written by the Qadi of the Muslim Judicial Council and one of Cape Towns senior scholars Sheikh Muhammad Amien Fakier:

The book includes the following topics:

  • Arkaanul-Islaam, Arkaanul-Eemaan, the Ih’saan and the Kalimah of Shahaadah
    Allah and his attributes, the angels, the revealed books, the prophets, the last day, the divine decree and a short biography of our prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • The meaning of Mukal’laf, cleanliness, najaasah, the niy’yah, ha’dith, the division of water and is’tinjaa, Abolution, wiping over the Khuf’s, Ghus’l, Tayam’mum, A’thaan, Iqaamah.
  • Salaah, Sujoodus-Sah’wi, the Sujood of Tilaawah and the Salaah of Jamaa’ah
    The Jumu’ah prayer, the two Eids, the Salaah of Is’tikhaarah, the Salaah of Tas’beeh, the Salaatul-Haajah, the Salaah of Tahaj’jud, the praying for rain, and the Salaah of Kusoof and Khusoof (eclipse of the sun and the moon)
  • The Salaatul-Janaazah, Aayatul-Kur’si and Sayi’yidul-Is’tigh’faar. Zakaah, Fasting, the Salaah of Taraweeh, Sodaqatul Fit’r, the I’tikaaf, the Hajj and Umrah.
  • The Khit’bah, the marriage, the Tas’miyah (naming a child), the Aqeeqah, the Qurbaan, and prayers for different occasions.
  • The Janaazah, how to prepare the Kafan, how to perform Ghus’l, the burial, visiting the grave and graveyard, the Shaheed/Martyr, the Siq’t/miscarriage, the Id’dah(the waiting period for a woman) and the testamin/will of a muslim.

"A must have for every Muslim old or new, every household or anyone interested in learning more about Islam.”


ISBN: ​9786202025510
AUTHOR: Sheikh Muhammad Amien Fakier
BINDING: Paperback 
PAGES: 525 Pages
DIMENSIONS: 15.8 x 22.7 CM
PUBLISHER: Cape Town Publishing House


Sheikh M.A. Fakier is Imaam of the Siddique mosque, a member of the Muslim Judicial Council, and a founder member of the Mobarak Fitrah Fund and Al-Falah Study Group.

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