Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the 99 Names of Allah

R 799


This book takes the reader into the heart of the mystery of the 99 sacred Names of Allah. It is a vehicle for understanding the infinite nature of God, and for discovering the divine potential in every soul. It is also a guidebook for progressing through the stages of the spiritual path and an instruction manual for teachers on how to work with students more wisely, as physicians of the heart.

In the process of this voyage to discovery, the reader is systematically exposed to the universal mysticism encoded in the Qur'an and in the classical Sufi traditions, as well as to a modern psychological approach that works with the 99 Names to achieve individuation and wholeness.


ISBN: 9781936940004
AUTHORS: Wali Ali Meyer, Bilal Hyde, Faisal Muqaddam, Shabda Kahn 
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 412 Pages
DIMENSIONS: 8.3 x 1.5 x 10 inches
PUBLISHER: Sufi Ruhaniat International


Shabda Kahn, a direct disciple of the American Sufi Master, Murshid Samuel Lewis, has been practicing Sufism since 1969 and since 2001, is the Pir (Spiritual Director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International , the lineage tracing from Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis. He has studied and performed North Indian Classical Vocal Music under the guidance of the late Master Singer, Pandit Pran Nath, since 1972. He is also a disciple of the illustrious Tibetan Master, the 12th TaiSitu Rinpoche. Shabda leads retreats and camps in Sufism with an emphasis on the mysticism of breath; the science and art of wazifa and zikr; music; the walking meditations of Murshid Samuel Lewis and opening the heart . He brings compassion and humor in transmitting the rich lineage of Sufism.
Wali Ali Meyer was chosen, as the principal editor of Physicians of the Heart, to put the conversation of the four authors into a single voice.

In 1963 he was named the college newspaper editor of the year for his editorial stance against racial segregation while the Editor of the University of Alabama newspaper. He received his M.A. in Philosophy and Theology from Vanderbilt University. He went in search of the reality behind the academic words and became a student of the Sufi Master Samuel L. Lewis of San Francisco, lived with him as his assistant and esoteric secretary, and was initiated as a Sheikh by him in 1970.

Since that time he has edited for publication a number of Murshid Samuel Lewis' works including The Jerusalem Trilogy ; and has written articles for books and publications. This includes a chapter in A Pearl in Wine, an anthology on Hazrat Inayat Khan, who was the first teacher to bring Sufism to the Western World more than 100 years ago. [SB1]

Wali Ali is the head of the Esoteric School of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, and the Spiritual Director of Khankah SAM, a residential community in San Francisco. He is one of the lead teachers in the Suluk Academy founded by Pir Zia Inayat Khan. Wali Ali has functioned as a guide for Sufi students for more than 40 years, and has formulated many systematic programs of spiritual study and practice. He has been a teacher of Sufism in workshops and seminars around the world.


The Ninety-Name names of God are a spiritual treasure. The four authors of this book have accomplished a noble collaboration and put this treasure within our reach. The meanings to be discovered in these pages can potentially open us to a marvelous universe of Divine Beauty, and through these gems, traditionally called "The Most Beautiful Names," we may ourselves ultimately be beautified. Rich in linguistic knowledge and personal reflection, this book helps to make this subject applicable and real.

Kabir Helminski, author of Living Presence and The Knowing Heart, translator of several volumes of Rumi, including The Pocket Rumi and Love's Ripening, & Co-Director of The Threshold Society ( --Kabir Helmisnki,

This astounding book is a nothing less than a mystical road map into the reality of the Only Being, to the One from whence all the 99 beautiful names of Allah spring, and to which they all point. The collaboration of these scholars and practitioners has yielded a truly profound work of deep spiritual value and psychological insight which should continue to serve the entire community of the "Jerusalem Trilogy" (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) for generations to come.
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, founder of the Jewish Renewal Movement --Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

The Source of Love promises humanity, Call on me in longing and love through intoning My Most Beautiful Names and I will answer your call, far beyond your imagination. O seeker, enter the mystical kingdom of the Divine Energies, called the Most Beautiful Names of Allah, by plunging into this remarkable sourcebook, which elucidates the ancient practice of contemplation and chanting of the Names of God, the swiftest path to union.
The authors of the book have brought a great gift to the West in their extraordinary and monumental work which elucidates a new field of wisdom in the West. Use this book as a guide on your journey.
Fariha al Jerrahi, -Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Lineage --Fariha al Jerrahi, Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Lineage

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