Sufi Book of Spiritual Ascent: (Al-Risala Al-Qushayriya)

Sufi Book of Spiritual Ascent: (Al-Risala Al-Qushayriya)

R 599


Imam al-Qushayri's Risala on Sufism has served as a primary textbook for many generations of Sufi novices down to the present. It gives us an illuminating insight into the everyday lives of Sufi devotees of the eighth-eleventh centuries C.E. and the moral and ethical dilemmas they were facing in trying to strike a delicate balance between their ascetic and mystical convictions and the exigencies of life in a society governed by rank, wealth, and military power.

This is a Sufi book of the highest order where the spiritual ascent is opened for the reader through quotations from the Qur'an al-karim, Ahadith and sayings of early Sufi's --- a must for all aspirers, of the greatest works of the early Sufi's--- this work teaches ;

                        ' The spiritual warrior (fata) is he who breaks an idol;
                          and the idol of each person is his ego.'  

This particular book is recommended for all background levels of Muslims & non-Muslims. It has been translated into simple language and speaks directly without difficult and couched meanings.This work is the abridged form of Qushayri’s Risalah, one of the most widely read Sufi treatises in Arabic.

A Sufi textbook of the highest order where Sufi practices, states and stations, rules of travel, dreams and advice to the spiritual seeker, among other topics are related to Quranic verses, Traditions of the Prophet and sayings of early Sufis. This was a book that Rumi read and recommended to his students as a book popular among Sufis.


---[1]. On Repentance (tawba),
---[2]. On Striving (mujahada),
---[3]. On Retreat and Seclusion, (khalwa),
---[4]. On God-Wariness (taqwa),
---[5]. On Abstaining (wara),
---[6]. On Renunciation (zuhd),
---[7]. On Silence (samt),
---[8]. On Fear (khawf),
---[9]. On Hope (raja),
---[10]. On Sorrow (huzn),
---[11]. On Hunger and the Abandonment of Lust (ju and tark al-shahwa),
---[12]. On Humility and Submissiveness (khushu and tawadu),
---[13]. On Opposing the Ego and Remembering Its Faults (mukhalafat al-nafs and dhikr uyubiha),
---[14]. On Envy (hasad),
---[15]. On Backbiting (ghiba),
---[16]. On Contentment (qanaa),
---[17]. On Trust in God (tawakkul),
---[18]. On Thankfulness (shukr),
---[19]. On Certainty (yaqin),
---[20]. On Patience (sabr),
---[21]. On Vigilance (muraqaba),
---[22]. On Satisfaction (rida),
---[23]. On Servanthood (ubudiyya),
---[24]. On Will Power (irada),
---[25]. On Steadfastness (istiqma),
---[26]. On Sincerity (ikhlas),
---[27]. On Truthfulness (sidq),
---[28]. On Shame (haya),
---[29]. On Freedom (hurriya),
---[30]. On Remembrance (dhikr),
---[31]. On Spiritual Chivalry (futuwwa),
---[32]. On Spiritual Insight (firasa),
---[33]. On Moral Character (khuluq),
---[34]. On Bountifulness and Generosity (jud and sakha),
---[35]. On Jealousy (ghayra),
---[36]. On Sainthood (wilaya),
---[37]. On Supplication (du'a),
---[38]. On Spiritual Poverty (faqr),
---[39]. On Sufism (tasawwuf),
---[40]. On Model Behaviour (adab),
---[41]. On Gnosis (marifa billah),
---[42]. On Love (mahhaba),
---[43]. On Longing (shawq).


ISBN: 9781871031532
AUTHOR: by Abd Al-Karim Ibn Hawazin Qushayri & Abu'L-Qasim Al-Qushayri
TRANSLATOR: Rabia T. Harris
EDITOR: Laleh Bakhtiar
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 350
WEIGHT‏ : ‎ 0.5 KG
PUBLISHER: Kazi Publications, Chicago.


Abu-l-Qasim al-Qushayri was born in July 986 AD (d. 1072 AD) in northwestern Iran in the province of Khurasan, the richest center of eastern Islamic civilization down to the 13th century AD. In spite of his intellectual grounding in the Quran, Quranic exegesis and Traditions, he was dragged from his house by a mob and imprisoned in the citadel of Nishapur because of a letter he had written, “The Complaint of the People of the Sunnah Relating the Persecution that Has Befallen Them” in favor of the Asharites. Friends stormed the citadel and released him. He fled to Baghdad where he taught until 1063 AD., later to return to Khurasan where he died.

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