The first of his works to be translated into English, Risalat al-Tauhid, represents the most popular and systematic of Muhammad 'Abduh's work, and one of the most influential Muslim theological writings of the contemporary period. The essentials of 'Abduh's modernist thought are contained in this treatise.The first of his works to be translated into English, Risalat al-Tauhid, represents the most popular and systematic of Muhammad 'Abduh's work, and one of the most influential Muslim theological writings of the contemporary period. The essentials of 'Abduh's modernist thought are contained in this treatise.
The English version, based on the eighteenth edition of the Arabic original, is a joint enterprise in which Ishaq Musa’ad of Cairo and Kenneth Cragg of Canterbury, have cooperated. The latter is responsible for the Introduction to The Theology of Unity.
“He was a modernist in the sense that he urged the pursuit of modern thought, confident that it could … only confirm the religious thought of Islam.” -H.A.R. Gibb
ISBN: 9789839154566
AUTHOR: Muhammad ‘Abduh
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 164 Pages
DIMENSIONS: 14.5 x 21.4 cm
WEIGHT: 0.4 kg
PUBLISHER: Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur